The Biden-Harris Administration’s statement of drug policy describes the 7 priorities for the first year of their administration: Continue reading
Resource Tag: Federal Government
Responding to Individuals in Behavioral Health Crisis Via Co-Responder Models: The Role of Cities, Counties, Law Enforcement and Providers
This resource describes the core elements of co-responder models that pair law enforcement with behavioral health providers to address individuals in crisis and the benefits of these models compared to law enforcement only response models. Continue reading
Executive Order – Safe Policing for Safe Communities: Addressing Mental Health, Homelessness, and Addiction Report
This resource describes successful models states and localities have put into use to address mental health, substance use, homelessness and children’s services in order to reduce law enforcement involvement. Continue reading
Federal Grantees May Now Use Funds to Purchase Fentanyl Test Strips
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that federal funding may be used to purchase rapid fentanyl test strips (FTS). FTS can be used to determine if drugs have been cut or mixed with fentanyl which greatly increases the risk of overdose death. Continue reading
Faces & Voices of Recovery
Faces & Voices of Recovery is a non-profit organization that organizes individuals in recovery and their allies to support recovery through advocacy, education, and leadership. Continue reading
Substance Abuse Treatment
This website explains the substance use disorder (SUD) treatment programs administered by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Detailed on the site are the 4 programs offered by the Federal Bureau of Prisons: Continue reading
Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program
The website for the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) provides real-time data on suspected fatal and non-fatal overdose events to support public safety and public health efforts to mobilize response to sudden increases or spikes in these events. Continue reading
Pain in the Nation
This issue brief discusses the current public health crises of drug overdoses, alcohol use, and suicides in the U.S. Continue reading
Healing the Nation: Advancing Mental Health and Addiction Policy
This framework by the Well Being Trust sets up parameters for achieving excellence in mental health and well-being. Continue reading
A State Policy Option to Expanding Methadone: Utilize Federally Qualified Health Centers
In 2019, the state of Ohio passed legislation that allowed for alternative treatment settings for methadone delivery, including Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), prisons, jails and county health departments. The Recovery Research Institute prepared this plain language summary of a peer-reviewed study that looked at the effect implementation of the Ohio policy would have on expanding access to treatment. Continue reading