This manual from Project TEAM details the creation of a joint jurisdiction justice collaboration between Tribal governments and their state, local and U.S. federal partners.
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Operation New Hope
Source: Operation New Hope
Operation New Hope is a model program that provides support, life and job skills training for citizens returning to the community after incarceration in the state of Florida.
Answering the Cry of our Warriors: Programming to Support Native Americans Re-entering the Community
Source: National Indian Health Board
This case study briefly explains the components of the Warrior Down reentry program designed by White Bison, Inc. for use with American Indian and Alaska Native populations reentering communities following incarceration. Key elements of this successful program include peer-to-peer programming, the use of traditional healing practices, continuous support from prison to reentry in the community, and complimentary programming for family members.
The Healing Forest Environmental Prevention Process: Community Effectiveness through Coalition Program Evaluation
Source: Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Service to Science Initiative
This 2010 report describes the many programs White Bison, Inc., has developed to prevent addiction and create individual recovery and resiliency in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities including the Wellbriety model, the concept of the Healing Forest, and the Firestarter peer
Pharmacogenomics-Guided Policy in Opioid Use Disorder Management: An Ethically-Diverse Case-Based Approach
Source: Earl B. Ettienne, et. al.
This article describes the case of an individual prescribed buprenorphine for opioid use disorder (OUD) who did not achieve treatment stability at the maximum dose allowed by the patient’s insurer of 24 mg daily.
The Opioid Crisis and the Hispanic/Latino Population: An Urgent Issue
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
This report details how the opioid crisis has affected the Hispanic/Latino population in the US. It includes data on opioid use in this community and a discussion of the socio-cultural factors associated with accessing services including facilitators and barriers to accessing appropriate prevention, treatment, and recovery services and supports.
National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health (NNED)
Source: National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health (NNED)
The National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health (NNED)’s mission is to eliminate disparities in behavioral health care by building a national network of diverse racial, ethnic, cultural and sexual minority communities and organizations to promote policies, practices, standards and research.
Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality
Source: Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality
The Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality (HOPE) is a multi-issue, grassroots community organization of 23 multicultural and interfaith congregations in Hillsborough county, Florida. HOPE engages and trains community members to identify problems experienced by families and community residents, convenes meetings with local experts and decision-makers to understand community problems and identify solutions, and engages with decision-makers to implement solutions and hold them accountable for change.
Think Cultural Health
Source: Office of Minority Health, US Department of Health and Human Services
The Think Cultural Health website provides information, continuing education opportunities, and resources for health care professionals to learn about Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS).
American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Tribal Affairs Behavioral Health Equity
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) website on behavioral health equity for American Indian and Alaska Native individuals and communities provides information about federal programs and initiatives designed for these populations, reports and issue briefs, and links to SAMHSA data projects and relevant external resources. Funding Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration