The Think Cultural Health website provides information, continuing education opportunities, and resources for health care professionals to learn about Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS). The site contains details about CLAS standards, a blueprint for advancing CLAS policies and practices, and crosswalks to understand how national CLAS standards compare to other accreditation standards and quality metrics. Additionally, education materials are provided for licensed substance use disorder treatment providers and behavioral health providers, health care administrators and providers, disaster and emergency personnel, maternal health providers, nurses, and oral health providers. The website also includes a library of materials related to CLAS, health equity and health disparities, video presentations, and information about the impact of civil rights laws on health disparities.
Funding Source: Office of Minority Health, US Department of Health and Human Services
Think Cultural Health
A link to the website Think Cultural Health from the US Department of Health and Human Services. The website provides information, continuing education opportunities and resources for health care professionals to learn about Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS).