How to Use the Veterans Administration Auto-Injector Naloxone Kit

This 7 minute video shows a patient-pharmacist conversation about naloxone, the importance of having it with you, and safe storage instructions. The video demonstrates how to use a naloxone auto-injector kit. Part of a 2 video series; the first video shows a conversation between the patient, his spouse, and his prescriber about the importance of understanding the risk of overdose when taking prescription opioids.

Funding Source:  Veterans Health Administration

Introduction to Naloxone for People Taking Prescribed Opioids

This 6 minute video shows a patient-provider conversation about naloxone and how to prevent opioid overdose for people taking prescribed opioids. It features a man who has been prescribed opioids for pain and his spouse. The conversation covers the risks of accidental overdose from prescription opioids, how to recognize Continue reading

Prescribe to Prevent: Prescribe Naloxone, Save a Life

The website Prescribe to Prevent was created by a group of prescribers, pharmacists, public health workers, lawyers and researchers to increase the prescribing and dispensing of naloxone kits to prevent overdose deaths. The website offers patient education materials, free online continuing medical education, and specific Continue reading

My Pain Medication: Am I at Risk for an Accidental Drug Poisoning?

A patient brochure from the Veterans Health Administration educating patients about the risks of accident drug poisoning from prescription opioids. Using a true/false question format, it addresses the myth that prescription opioids when used as prescribed do not pose a risk of accidental poisoning. Part of a series of resources about opioid safety for patients from the Veterans Health Administration.

Funding Source:  Veterans Health Administration

Opioid Overdose Prevention – Spanish

A Spanish language brochure about opioid overdose prevention from the Veterans Health Administration. It includes information about identifying an overdose, how to respond to an overdose, and steps to take to improve safety if one does choose to use opioids. Part of a series of resources about opioid safety for patients from the Veterans Health Administration.

Funding Source:  Veterans Health Administration

Opioid Overdose Prevention

A brochure about opioid overdose prevention from the Veterans Health Administration. It includes information about identifying an overdose, how to respond to an overdose, and steps to take to improve safety if one does choose to use opioids. Part of a series of resources about opioid safety for patients from the Veterans Health Administration.

Funding Source:  Veterans Health Administration