Public Libraries and the Opioid Crisis – Call to Action

Source: OCLC and the Public Library Association

This toolkit describes strategies public libraries and their staff can adopt to support their communities through the opioid crisis. The strategies are categorized into 5 categories: explore community data, survey your community assets and potential partners, increase awareness and knowledge of staff and community about opioids and related issues, create a library staff care plan, and offer community engagement and programming options related to the crisis. The toolkit describes options for library-led actions and includes links to helpful resources.

Authors: S.G. Allen, L. Clark, M. Coleman, L.S. Connaway, C. Cyr, K. Morgan, & M. Procaccini

Funding Source: OCLC Inc., Public Library Association, and Institute of Museum and Library Science

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Public Libraries and the Opioid Crisis - Call to Action

A toolkit of action strategies to address the opioid crisis and related issues for public library staff from the Public Library Association and OCLC