Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers

The American Opioid Epidemic in Special Populations: Five Examples

Source: The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine

This discussion paper from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine’s Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic looks at how the opioid epidemic in America affects 5 special populations: justice-involved individuals, people living in rural communities, veterans, adolescents and young adults, and people who inject drugs.

Payers & Providers

Evidence Brief: Benefits and Harms of Long-term Opioid Dose Reduction or Discontinuation in Patients with Chronic Pain – Supplementary Materials

Source: Veterans Health Administration, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

The supplementary materials to support the systematic review of the evidence for long term outcomes of tapering opioid doses in patients on long term opioid therapy for chronic pain from the Veterans Affairs Evidence Synthesis Program (ESP). These materials include search strategies used in the systematic review, inclusion/exclusion criteria for studies reviewed, evidence tables, and quality assessment of studies included in the review.

Payers & Providers

Evidence Brief: Benefits and Harms of Long-term Opioid Dose Reduction or Discontinuation in Patients with Chronic Pain

Source: Department of Veterans Affairs

A systematic review of the evidence for long term outcomes of tapering opioid doses in patients on long term opioid therapy for chronic pain from the Veterans Affairs Evidence Synthesis Program (ESP). The report analyzes published studies to determine the benefits and harms for patients when tapering their opioid medications to lower doses or discontinuation and reviews whether benefits and harms vary by

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Patients & Caregivers

Safe Project

Source: Safe Project

This website for the SAFE Project (Stop the Addiction Fatality Epidemic) provides evidence-based information, resources, and speakers to help individuals and groups address addiction in their communities. The Project has special focus campaigns to work with SAFE Campuses, SAFE Communities, and SAFE Veterans.

External Website
Payers & Providers
Patients & Caregivers

How to Use the Veterans Administration Auto-Injector Naloxone Kit

Source: Veterans Health Administration

This 7 minute video shows a patient-pharmacist conversation about naloxone, the importance of having it with you, and safe storage instructions. The video demonstrates how to use a naloxone auto-injector kit. Part of a 2 video series; the first video shows a conversation between the patient, his spouse, and his prescriber about the importance of understanding the risk of overdose when taking prescription opioids. Funding Source:  Veterans Health Administration

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Payers & Providers

Introduction to Naloxone for People Taking Prescribed Opioids

Source: Veterans Health Administration

This 6 minute video shows a patient-provider conversation about naloxone and how to prevent opioid overdose for people taking prescribed opioids. It features a man who has been prescribed opioids for pain and his spouse. The conversation covers the risks of accidental overdose from prescription opioids, how to recognize

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Patients & Caregivers

How to Use the Veterans Administration Naloxone Nasal Spray

Source: Veterans Health Administration

This 7 minute video shows a patient-pharmacist conversation about how to use naloxone nasal spray and safe practices in overdose prevention and treatment for individuals with opioid use disorder. It features a woman who has completed treatment and is on methadone as part of her treatment plan

Payers & Providers

Opioid Taper Decision Tool

Source: Veterans Administration Pharmacy Benefits Management Academic Detailing

A toolkit prepared by the Veterans Health Administration to help primary care providers manage opioid tapering in their practices. It includes steps to take before beginning a taper including assessing the patient for conditions that might complicate the tapering process and communicating directly with the patient about opioid safety and tapering options.

Payers & Providers

Transforming the Treatment of Chronic Pain – Moving Beyond Opioids

Source: Veterans Administration Pharmacy Benefits Management Academic Detailing

A guide from the Veterans Health Administration to assist clinicians in moving away from using opioids to treat chronic pain in favor of non-pharmacological and non-opioid treatments for chronic pain. Includes sections on how to talk to veterans about opioid safety and alternatives to opioid treatment, Includes a step model approach to chronic pain management with step one offering self-management of pain with
