Transforming the Treatment of Chronic Pain – Moving Beyond Opioids

Source: Veterans Administration Pharmacy Benefits Management Academic Detailing

A guide from the Veterans Health Administration to assist clinicians in moving away from using opioids to treat chronic pain in favor of non-pharmacological and non-opioid treatments for chronic pain. Includes sections on how to talk to veterans about opioid safety and alternatives to opioid treatment, Includes a step model approach to chronic pain management with step one offering self-management of pain with optimized treatment of comorbidities to step 4 which includes intensive interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation in addition to treatments included in steps 2 and 3 (non-pharmacologic therapy and non-opioid pharmacologic therapy.)

Funding Source:  Pharmacy Benefits Management Academic Detailing Service, Veterans Health Administration

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Transforming the Treatment of Chronic Pain - Moving Beyond Opioids

A clinician's guide to transforming the treatment of chronic pain from the Veterans Health Administration.