Integrated Care for High Risk Pregnancies: A Pilot Project to Improve Medical Assistance Birth Outcomes

In 2015, the Minnesota Legislature directed the Department of Human Services to implement a pilot program to improve birth outcomes – the Integrated Care for High Risk Pregnancies (ICHRP) Initiative. The pilot program was designed to reach two demographic groups: African Americans at risk for low birth weight births in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and American Indians at risk for opiate use during pregnancy. Continue reading

State Strategies to Address Opioid Use Disorder Among Pregnant and Postpartum Women and Infants Prenatally Exposed to Substances, Including Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

A report from a 12 state learning collaborative on improving treatment of opioid use disorder among pregnant and parenting women and infants exposed to opioids. The report focuses on the strategies states used to expand access to and coordination of services, improve education and training for providers, use data to monitor and evaluate initiatives, enhance medical coverage and reimbursement policies, and address ethical, legal, and social considerations such as stigma. Continue reading

Spotlight: Moms and Babies Program

An overview of the Moms and Babies program at the Decatur Correctional Center in Illinois which allows incarcerated women to keep their babies with them for the early development stages and provides the women with parenting education and support. The women are also provided with post-release community reentry services. Women participating in the program have significantly lower rates of recidivism. This report is part of the Addiction Policy Forum’s Spotlight series which highlights innovative programs to address the opioid crisis. Continue reading

Strong Start Toolkit for You and Your Baby

A collaboration of providers in Ohio developed this shared decision making tool for use by pregnant women and their providers. The tool is not specific to patients with substance use disorders but uses plain language to address multiple pregnancy related issues such as ensuring support for new moms, housing, food and patient safety.

Funding Source: Ohio Department of Medicaid

Pregnancy Care Provider Quick Reference Checklists: Snuggle ME Guidelines

A 2 page summary of the Maine Snuggle Me guideline for treating pregnant women with substance use disorder and their infants. Includes clinician checklists for recommended care during the first, second and third trimesters and postpartum period.

Funding Source:  Maine Department of Health and Human Services