
This “Addictionary” created by the Recovery Research Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital lists language patients, providers, and policy makers can use that is not stigmatizing and creates a supportive treatment environment for substance use disorders. Continue reading

Promising Strategies in Providing Opioid Use Disorder Treatment to Rural, Frontier, and other Underserved Communities.

This briefing paper from the National Judicial Opioid Task Force describes effective strategies to improve access to treatment for opioid use disorder in rural regions. The article discusses barriers to treatment in rural areas, particularly stigma against medication assisted treatment, and describes successful programsin rural communities across the country, including programs in Indian Country. Continue reading

Tribal-State Court Forums: Addressing the Opioid Crisis

Beginning in the 1980s, many states established tribal-state court forums to enable partnership and collaboration between tribal and state judicial systems. This briefing paper contains an overview of tribal-state court forums and discusses how these partnerships can enhance state and tribal nation’s efforts to Continue reading

Tribal Cultural Competency Information for Judges

This briefing paper from the National Judicial Opioid Task Force provides information intended to improve judicial personnel’s cultural competence when working with American Indian/Alaska Native individuals and communities. The information updates the Substance Abuse and Health Services Continue reading

Trauma, Substance Use, and Justice System-Involved Youth

This briefing paper from the National Judicial Opioid Task Force includes an overview of the concept of trauma and how it affects youth and families involved with the justice system. The paper provides facts about trauma, presents advice for judges on how to avoid retraumatization in the courtroom, and describes 10 Continue reading

2016 Tribal-State Opioid Summit: Final Report

In 2016, state leaders in Minnesota convened a summit to discuss the impact of the opioid crisis in Indian Country. This report summarizes the conversations held at the summit and provides policy and budget recommendations for tribal nations and state government programs. Continue reading