To recognize September as National Recovery Month, CLOUD’s current featured collection centers around recovery resources. In this featured collection, CLOUD is proud to highlight these specific recovery-related topics…
- Understanding Recovery
- Recovery Community Programs
- Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (ROSCs)
- Recovery Support Groups
- Recovery Housing, and
- Recovery in Special Populations (including children, family and youth; pregnant women; and men with a history of trauma)
This featured collection also includes recovery-related reports from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:
- A 2010 report on financing recovery support services
- A brief guide for providers on treating sleep problems in people in recovery
- An overview of peer recovery support services
Note: CLOUD is looking to add resources to this collection, particularly in the area of peer support services. If you have resources to submit to the library, please visit the Call for Submissions.
Recovery Month Toolkit: Join the Voices for Recovery
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
The toolkit for 2019 National Recovery Month from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 2019’s Recovery Month Theme is Join the Voices for Recovery: Together We Are Stronger. This toolkit includes information and resources for developing recovery month outreach strategies for four target audiences: community members, first responders, healthcare community members, and youth and emerging leaders. There is also a section with resources and information about treatment and recovery support services.
Understanding Recovery
This collection includes resources that define and explain recovery from many perspectives. Within this collection, users will find links to the following information:
Recovery: Community Programs
Recovery organizations have increasingly been focused on engaging their communities to create recovery supportive environments. This collection features the following resources highlighting community programs:
Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care
Addiction researchers and treatment providers have increasingly advocated moving away from an acute-care model of treatment to embracing Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) which emphasize person-centered and self-directed pathways to recovery with an emphasis on building on the strengths and resilience of individuals, families and communities.
Recovery Support Groups
Recovery support groups have been an important part of many people’s recovery, providing a safe space to seek support and provide mutual assistance to peers.
Recovery Housing
For many people, access to a safe and supportive living environment is necessary to help them sustain recovery and avoid return to use, particularly in the early days of recovery. Recovery housing is intended to provide drug and alcohol free living spaces that also help residents build recovery skills and resilience and improve their well being.
Recovery in Special Populations: Children, Family, and Youth; Pregnant Women; and Men with a History of Trauma
This collection features reports and websites that address recovery in special populations.
Financing Recovery Support Services: Review and Analysis of Funding Recovery Support Services and Policy Recommendations
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
This 2010 report provides information about sources of funding for recovery support services in addiction treatment. Authors analyzed available federal and state funding streams for their requirements and highlighted 18 state examples of creative ways of funding recovery support services. The report concludes with
In Brief: Treating Sleep Problems of People in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
This brief guide from SAMHSA provides guidance for providers on how to assist patients in recovery from substance use disorder with sleep problems. It includes guidance on assessing sleep disorders and recommendations for treatments and improving sleep hygiene.
What Are Peer Recovery Support Services?
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
This report defines what a peer support specialist is and describes the many different roles they can play in the substance use disorder and recovery process. Research has shown that recovery is facilitated by social support, and peer support specialists, who have personal lived experience of addiction, are uniquely qualified to provide that support.