Arizona has prioritized naloxone education and distribution to reduce opioid overdose deaths and has created documents and policies to assist in implementing their naloxone program. Links to the project website and copies of policy documents are available for download below.
Opioid Epidemic – Naloxone Information
Source: Arizona Department of Health Services
This Arizona Department of Health Services website includes information about the state’s various initiatives to encourage naloxone distribution and administration to reverse opioid overdoses. It includes links to documents, patient brochures, sample policies and training programs for law
FAQs: Naloxone
Source: Arizona Department of Health Services
The Arizona Department of Health Services created these frequently asked questions about the state’s naloxone distribution program and the requirement that health care providers and first responders report naloxone dispensing and administration.
Arizona Department of Health Services – Standing Orders for Naloxone
Source: Arizona Rethink Rx Abuse & Arizona Department of Health
This resource is a copy of Arizona’s standing order signed by the Director of Health Services allowing pharmacists to dispense naloxone to anyone who requests it. Naloxone is used to reverse opioid overdoses. Part of the Arizona ReThink RX Abuse initiative which helps communities educate
Kingman Police Policy and Procedures: Naloxone
Source: Kingman, Arizona Police Department
The naloxone policy and procedures of the Kingman, Arizona police department. The policy describes the roles and responsibilities of responding officers in administering naloxone for an opioid overdose and defines the role of the Naloxone Coordinator in overseeing the naloxone program.
Use of Naloxone by Law Enforcement for Opioid Overdose
Source: Arizona Department of Health Services
The Arizona Department of Health Services prepared this presentation to train law enforcement officers on the use of naloxone to reverse opioid overdoses. It includes information on how to recognize an opioid overdose, how to administer naloxone, and considerations specifically for law enforcement officers.
Life Saved by Naloxone
Source: Arizona Department of Health Services
This 4 minute video from the Arizona Department of Health Services features a man who speaks about his personal history of addiction and being saved from an overdose by naloxone. The video includes a brief training on how to evaluate someone for an opioid overdose and how to administer
Naloxone Demo
Source: Arizona Department of Health Services
This one minute video from the Arizona Department of Health Services shows how to identify an opioid overdose and how to administer naloxone to reverse the overdose.