Arizona Angel Initiative

Arizona piloted a Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative in three counties and published a report evaluating the pilot and exploring the possibility of expanding the program statewide. Links to the project website and copy of the report is available for download below.

Policymakers & Community Leaders
Patients & Caregivers

Arizona Angel Initiative

Source: Arizona Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family

This website is for the Arizona Angel Initiative, a police assisted addiction recovery program where law enforcement officers help connect individuals with substance use disorder connect to treatment.

External Website
Policymakers & Community Leaders

Arizona Angel Initiative – Feasibility of Expanding Throughout Arizona

Source: Arizona Governor's Office

The Arizona Angel Initiative is Arizona’s version of a Police-Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI) like the one piloted in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Individuals with substance use disorder can contact law enforcement for assistance in accessing treatment. This report details the
