CIN Toolkit: Three Strategies to Help Primary Care Teams Treat Substance Use Disorders

Source: California Improvement Network

This toolkit provides guidance to primary care teams on how to confidently and successfully provide substance use disorder (SUD) services to patients in their organizations. Developed by the California Improvement Network and California Quality Collaborative, the toolkit focuses on 3 strategies primary care practices can use to improve their delivery of SUD services: shift attitudes about SUD, SUD treatment, and patients with addiction; increase awareness of the prevalence of SUD in their patient populations including alcohol use disorders and understand effective strategies for treatment including medication assisted treatment; and increase access to SUD treatment in incremental stages in their practice with options for community support through partnerships and telemedicine. This guide is specifically aimed at primary care practices; it includes guidance from clinicians who have successfully incorporated SUD treatment in their practices, lists actions steps team members can take and provides links to additional resources.

Funding Source: California Health Care Foundation

3.8 MB

CIN Toolkit: Three Strategies to Help Primary Care Teams Treat Substance Use Disorders

A toolkit for primary care practices and primary care teams on strategies to integrate substance use disorder treatment services in their practices from the California Improvement Network and California Quality Collaborative