Clinician & Researcher Submissions

CLOUD’s desire is to provide decision-makers at all levels with the information they need to implement effective programs. CLOUD is particularly interested in including resources that describe programs and initiatives that have been shown through research or program evaluation to be effective at achieving their intended goals and improved outcomes. We are actively reaching out to researchers and professionals who are working on opioid-related research and programs and requesting you to consider submitting materials to the library. Our hope is that we can bring more attention to the important work you are involved in while providing our users with actionable, evidence-based information. 

What inclusion considerations should I keep in mind?

What outline should I follow for summarizing proprietary research?

Inclusion Considerations for Clinicians & Researchers

Here is some additional information about CLOUD’s inclusion and submission process:

  • CLOUD is a web-based library/repository where all included materials are the sole property of the original creators of each resource. All resources in the library include information about their authors and funding sources. CLOUD and its partners make no claims to ownership of these resources unless otherwise noted.
  • CLOUD only includes non-proprietary materials. While we do publish open access journal articles, we cannot include proprietary journal articles on our site. If your research has primarily been published in proprietary journals, we would encourage you to write a summary of your work with appropriate references to journal articles for inclusion in the library. Please see below for a suggested outline for these research summaries.
  • CLOUD has been given a broad mandate to include virtually any resource that supports our evidence-based mission, meets our inclusion and exclusion criteria, and relates in some way to the opioid crisis or related issues such as alternative treatments for pain, harm reduction, addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery. The website aims to include all materials someone would need to replicate an effective intervention or program in their facility or community. Thus, we include the following types of materials:
    • Policy reports
    • Program evaluations
    • Research summaries
    • Implementation guides or toolkits
    • Protocols
    • Patient and provider education materials
    • Government documents including relevant legislation and regulations
    • Clinical practice guidelines
    • Links to videos and external websites
  • We have the ability to link all documents related to a particular intervention, program, or initiative into a collection of materials. Therefore, we welcome supplementary materials to your research and will link them together into a featured collection. For example, see the CLOUD collection for the State of Arizona’s Rethink Rx Abuse public health campaign.

For additional information about the CLOUD’s inclusion and exclusion criteria and its evidence-effectiveness rating system, please visit the CLOUD 101 page on the website.

Suggested Outline for Summarizing Research & Evaluations

Submitted materials must remain in compliance with CLOUD’s policy to include only non-proprietary materials. CLOUD publishes materials from open access journals and other publicly available research briefs, but cannot include publications in its collection which are not accessible by the general public. CLOUD’s administrators invite you to summarize your research and include any other supporting materials that meet these public access inclusion criteria. Below you will find a suggested template for summarizing proprietary research and a list of other potential materials that may be submitted with the research summary.


Describe the intention of the intervention or initiative and provide a brief description of:

  • How and why it was created
  • The essential elements of the intervention or initiative  (e.g., use of care team including peer support specialists, access to health information exchange data)

Intended Outcomes

Define the intended outcomes of the intervention or initiative (e.g., prevention of opioid overdoses and overdose mortality, enrollment in substance use disorder treatment).


Identify the methods used to determine whether the intervention or initiative was successful in achieving its outcomes.


Detail the results of the study or program evaluation and address if the intervention or initiative achieve its intended outcomes.


Discuss what readers should know about the intervention or initiative and provide advice for those interested in adopting the program in their communities.


Provide references for any publications with more information about your research or initiative, including links to any information that might be behind a paywall. Many of CLOUD’s users have access to non-open access materials and may want to review the original research.

Contact Information

Provide contact information for readers seeking additional information.

Suggested Supplementary Materials

The CLOUD seeks to be a central repository of materials that helps decision-makers across health care systems, state and local communities, and care providers implement evidence-based strategies to address the opioid crisis and related concerns. In addition to providing a summary of published research, we invite you to submit supplementary materials that will help decision-makers understand and implement successful interventions and strategies. Such additional materials may include:

  • Provider or patient education materials
  • Infographics
  • Care algorithms
  • Treatment or implementation protocols
  • Provider training and practice manuals
  • Clinical guidelines
  • Toolkits
  • Checklists
  • Other materials you think might be applicable

How to Submit Resources

If you have 5 or fewer resources you would like to submit, please visit our request for submissions page at: If you have more than 5 resources, please contact us at to work with our team on a bulk submission process. 

For questions please contact